Depression & Anxiety During Pregnancy

Perinatal depression and anxiety (meaning during pregnancy and right after childbirth) are some of the most common problems that women experience during pregnancy. Friends, family members and even some healthcare providers may attribute these conditions to the fluctuating hormones that accompany pregnancy. However, without proper treatment, depression and anxiety can negatively affect both pregnant women and their unborn children. Understanding Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Depression and anxiety during pregnancy and after childbirth are classified as perinatal mood disorders or PMDs. Different from the “baby blues,” which affect many new mothers in the days and weeks following birth, PMDs can strike at any time during pregnancy or immediately after the birth of a child. Symptoms may include: Feelings of hopelessness or discouragement Difficulty sleeping Frequent bouts of crying Chronic fatigue A poor maternal-fetal relationship Appetite changes The list of PMD symptoms is extensi...