
Showing posts with the label Sleep Apnea Treatment

Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Children

Obstructive sleep apnea in children, also termed pediatric sleep apnea, is a type of sleep disorder where your child's breathing is partially or entirely blocked while they are asleep. The condition arises because of upper airway blockage while sleeping. Most parents do not understand if their child has obstructive sleep apnea. Some symptoms directly point toward your child having sleep apnea.   •    If you notice your child snoring with pauses, gasps, and pauses, you need to take it seriously •    If your child is breathing more heavily than average while sleeping •    If your child is sleeping in unusual positions and experiencing restless sleep •    If your child is suddenly wetting their bed •    If your child is showing daytime sleepiness and you can notice behavioral changes •    And, if your child is sleepwalking   You need to look out for these symptoms in your child and understand the causes and immediate treatments. It is not a surprise for your child to experience sleep

Signs of Sleep Apnea: Symptoms for Adults and Children

Repeatedly stopping and starting your breathing during sleep is a symptom of sleep apnea, a common and possibly life-threatening sleep disease. When untreated, sleep apnea raises the risk of cardiovascular events, including stroke and heart attack, and may even cause type 2 diabetes.   Children and adults are at risk for developing sleep apnea, although the symptoms might vary based on age. If someone faces sleep apnea, they must talk with a specialist for  sleep apnea treatment in Utah.   Learn all about sleep apnea and its symptoms right here.   Sleep Apnea in Adults: Signs and Symptoms   Sleep apnea should be considered a severe medical concern if you exhibit several of the following symptoms.   ● You have a loud snore. ● You sometimes wake up quickly and find it hard to breathe. ● You wake up sometimes choking or gasping for air. ● You wake up often to go to the bathroom. ● When you wake up, your mouth is dry, or your throat hurts. ● You usually have a headache when you wake up. ●