Do You Have Gastroparesis Symptoms? Treatment Options and What's Next

An illness that causes the stomach muscles to become paralyzed is Gastroparesis. As a consequence of Gastroparesis, food is poorly ground in the stomach, and food is poorly expelled from the stomach. Gastroparesis: What is it? Patients with Gastroparesis, or partial paralysis of the stomach, have difficulty digesting food. If you suffer from this problem, your digestive system's contents move more slowly because your injured nerves and muscles aren't working as they should. People with diabetes who have had it for an extended period are more likely to have this complication, although it may occur in other circumstances. Patients with Gastroparesis are prone to misdiagnosis, and the condition might be confused for ulcers, heartburn, or an allergic response. Non-diabetic persons may have acid reflux as a possible cause of the disease. Gastroparesis is caused by what? Nerve damage, especially damage to the vagus nerve, is a common cause of Gastroparesis. The vagus nerve contracts ...