Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Bipolar Disorder

The extreme and sudden shifts in mood that characterize bipolar disorder are likely nothing new to you by now. Suicide is a real possibility if you don’t get help for your mood swings, and they can also strain your relationships and professional life. On a positive note, bipolar disorder is manageable by a Behavioral Health Specialist. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) effectively complements mood stabilization and recovery medication. A Functional Analysis of CBT for Bipolar Disorder The question of what triggers manic and depressive episodes in those with bipolar disorder remains unanswered. A study published in Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, and Practice in January 2015 found that thinking patterns can affect the severity of mood swings in people with bipolar disorder. Researchers found that “descent behaviors” (such as withdrawing from friends) are associated with having excessively negative thoughts. In contrast, “ascent behaviors” (such as risk-taking) are assoc...