Signs of Sleep Apnea: Symptoms for Adults and Children

Repeatedly stopping and starting your breathing during sleep is a symptom of sleep apnea, a common and possibly life-threatening sleep disease. When untreated, sleep apnea raises the risk of cardiovascular events, including stroke and heart attack, and may even cause type 2 diabetes. Children and adults are at risk for developing sleep apnea, although the symptoms might vary based on age. If someone faces sleep apnea, they must talk with a specialist for sleep apnea treatment in Utah. Learn all about sleep apnea and its symptoms right here. Sleep Apnea in Adults: Signs and Symptoms Sleep apnea should be considered a severe medical concern if you exhibit several of the following symptoms. ● You have a loud snore. ● You sometimes wake up quickly and find it hard to breathe. ● You wake up sometimes choking or gasping for air. ● You wake up often to go to the bathroom. ● When you wake up, your mouth is dry, or your throat hurts. ● You usually have a ...