Is Your Asthma Under Control? 5 Tips to Manage Your Asthma Symptoms

Asthma Medications in Utah

Asthma is a chronic disease that affects approximately one in every 13 people in the United States. With a good asthma action plan, people with asthma can control their condition and generally live normal lives without limitation. Your asthma is considered uncontrolled if you:

  • Have difficulty sleeping through the night due to coughing or wheezing
  • Visit the urgent care or emergency room frequently for asthma
  • Are unable to participate in regular activities
  • Often miss school or work due to asthma symptoms
  • Don’t follow your treatment plan outlined by you and your doctor

Asthma control is important because it helps you prevent severe asthma attacks that require steroid use, an emergency department visit and hospitalization. It also helps you maintain healthy lung function, improve your quality of life and achieve your best. If you experience uncontrolled asthma, try these management tips.

1. Take Control Medicines Daily

There are several different types of asthma control medications, and they can be taken orally or inhaled through a nebulizer or inhaler (and spacer). Your doctor can determine which combination of medication is right for you and your health goals. Taking your control medications as directed is extremely important because it helps reduce symptoms of asthma, the need for rescue inhalers, and severity and frequency of asthma attacks.

2. Avoid Asthma Triggers

The first step in being able to avoid asthma triggers is recognizing what they are. Asthma triggers are different for everyone, so it’s important to take note of when your symptoms worsen and identify what triggers you are most often exposed to.

Common asthma triggers include:

  • Physical activity
  • Respiratory infections, like the flu or a common cold
  • Pet dander
  • Allergens like pollen, dust mites or mold
  • Environmental factors including cold air and pollution

Although not all triggers are avoidable, many are. You can also start allergen immunotherapy (allergy shots) to help get rid of your allergy triggers. If you have mild allergy-triggered asthma, this treatment can potentially cure your asthma. This printable worksheet by the American Lung Association provides tips to avoid certain triggers.

3. Create an Asthma Action Plan

An asthma action plan is personal to you, your current health status and your treatment goals. Work with your doctor to develop a plan that works best for you. If your child has asthma, it’s important for those that care for her (teachers, daycare centers, relatives, babysitters, extracurricular counselors, etc.) have a copy of the plan.

A good asthma action plan should include:

  • When and how often to take your medication
  • How to handle worsening symptoms or asthma attacks
  • When you should seek emergency treatment
  • Emergency contact information

The American Academy of Allergy and Immunology provides an example asthma action plan.

4. Use a Peak Flow Meter

A peak flow meter is a tool that can help you monitor your lung function by measuring the movement of air through your lungs. Knowing these measurements helps you and your doctor identify triggers and adjust your treatment plan. Your doctor can show you how to use a peak flow meter and how to calculate your target zones. Add your target zones to your asthma action plan.

5. Treat Co-Existing Medical Conditions

Adults who have asthma often have co-existing medical conditions (also called comorbidities) that can affect their asthma. Treating these conditions simultaneously can help improve their impact on asthma symptoms and improve overall health. Co-existing conditions that affect asthma include:

  • Allergic rhinitis
  • Reflux
  • Obesity
  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • Mental health conditions

Asthma affects each patient differently, and it’s important to consult with your doctor regularly to help you manage your condition.

Our allergy specialists diagnose and treat patients who suffer from allergic and immunologic disorders. We work with both pediatric and adult patients and use the most comprehensive and up-to-date medical therapies. Revere health offers the best Asthma Treatment in Utah.


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